This week we were able to welcome students from the University of Michigan in Berlin…together with our colleagues from the Gangway teams they were able to gain valuable insights into the world of Street Work. In addition we were able to visit the JVA, detention facility for woman as well as the JSA, youth detention facility – Plötzensee. A huge thank you goes out to the Gangway staff and the colleagues from the detention facilities that supported this endeavour. It was awesome…The visit is coming to and end but we will soon reconnect in Detroit for the beginning of our transatlantic project Be-troit….more information regarding Be-troit will follow…


University of Michigan in Berlin 2016 gangway day one-crazy University of Michigan gangway day berlin 2016 day 3-four University of Michigan in Berlin 2016 gangway day two-fifteenUniversity of Michigan in Berlin 2016 gangway day one-crazy University of Michigan in Berlin 2016 gangway day one-jump 2University of Michigan in Berlin 2016 gangway day two-ten University of Michigan in Berlin 2016 gangway day one-three

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